BYOD Program

Technology at St George College
At St George College we are committed to preparing our students to be ‘World Ready’ and for participating in an increasingly digital world. We are supporting the development of key Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills to prepare our students to be empowered in a technologically advanced society and productive, responsible digital citizens. Our students require ICT skills, knowledge and confidence to make ICT work for them at school, home, at work and in their communities. ICT skills are globally recognised as essential to 21st century learning.

Why do we use devices?
Research shows that students with access to ICT engage more deeply with their learning, take ownership of their work and can participate in flexible forms of learning. At St George we believe that the skills students already possess can be utilised in the educational environment. 

Junior Campus
Students on the Junior Campus use devices to develop skills in subjects including literacy and numeracy, learn keyboard skills, communicate and research. 

Students will have access to a dedicated learning space with Mac desktop computers. A bank of devices will also be available for in class use. 

Senior Campus
Students on the Senior Campus use devices to collaborate, research, problem solve, develop and create multimodal presentations, use the school intranet and Daymap to access class materials and upload assessment. 

Students will be part of the BYOD Program. BYOD stands for ‘Bring Your Own Device’. Students will need to start the year with their own device. Specifications are outlined in the FAQ section of the website. 

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