What laptop specifications are recommended?
The College recommends that you contact Learning with Technologies (LWT) to purchase your device. LWT has been selected by St George College to best meet the curriculum and technical requirements of the College.
How will students use the laptop in their classes?
Students on the Senior Campus can use devices to:
- Collaborate
- Research
- Communicate
- Problem Solve
- Develop and create multimodal presentations
- Create art, music, movies or webcasts
- Use Daymap to access class materials and upload assessment
- Have ready access to their learning goals through Daymap
- Access the intranet with all available PAT and NAPLAN resources and library access all managed by curriculum teams
What software is provided?
The Microsoft Office 365 license valued at $150 a year will be provided free for all students and will be licensed for the life of the student’s enrollment at the College. This license includes the use of Word; Excel; PowerPoint and Microsoft Teams.
How to install Office 365
If your device is purchased through LWT software will be loaded prior to dispatch.
What are the guidelines for student use of laptops at school?
The guidelines are outlined in the ICT Acceptable Use Agreement.
What happens if a student enters the class and their laptop is not charged?
We expect students to be vigilant in charging their devices each night and having them ready for use in class. Charging will not be permitted on campus nor charging facilities provided.
What happens if a student forgets their computer?
We expect all students to bring all necessary equipment to class including books, pencils, textbooks and laptops. From time to time, students will forget their computer. Limited devices will be available from the ICT desk for student loan for the day.
What happens when students use their laptops in an inappropriate manner?
Consequences for inappropriate use of laptops are outlined in the ICT Acceptable Use Agreement.
Can student laptops be personalised?
Students can personalise their laptops. Students should use labels and/or stickers for ease of recognition. Personalisation must be school appropriate.
How do students get technical support during the day?
A manned ICT helpdesk is located in the library for students to access at any time during the school day.
What happens if a laptop is lost or stolen?
If the laptop is lost, every attempt by the student should be made to recover it. The family will be responsible if the item is lost or stolen.
What about repairs and maintenance?
Onsite ICT support is only available to students if there are issues regarding internet access and Microsoft 365 and other school software.
It is up to families to manage repairs and maintenance of devices.
Refer to LWT policy if purchased through the portal.
What about repairs and maintenance?
During the College day when the devices are not being used (e.g. at lunchtime, during PE etc.), the devices should be kept either with the student or securely stored in their locker.
The device must be properly powered off prior to storage to preserve battery life and to prevent heat build-up.
What about cyberbullying and e-crime?
Cyber bullying is bullying which uses e-technology as a means of victimising others. It is the use of an internet service or mobile technologies–such as email, chat room discussion groups, instant messaging, Web Pages or SMS (text messaging)–with the intention of harming another person.
Examples can include communications that seek to intimidate, control, manipulate, put down or humiliate the recipient.
Activities can include flaming (repeated negative messages), sexual and racist harassment, denigration, impersonation, trickery, exclusion and cyber stalking.
Electronic Crime (e-crime)
Cyber bullying may involve varying levels of severity, ranging from occasional messages to frequently repeated and highly disturbing threats to a person’s life.
Cyber bullying can therefore be an e-crime, a fact often not clearly understood by those involved.
E-crime occurs when a computer or other electronic communication devices (e.g. mobile phones) are used to commit an offence, are targeted in an offence, or act as a storage device in an offence.
Consequences are outlined in the behaviour and management policy.
Any form of cyber bullying or e-crime will be dealt with through the College’s Behaviour Management policy” and Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy. Serious breaches amay be referred to police.
What if my child’s computer crashes during the day?
There will be limited loan computers available from the ICT desk for those students whose computers crash during the day.
Will students need to purchase a laptop bag or similar?
We recommend that students purchase a laptop bag or similar to protect their devices.
Will all school work be done on devices?
No. Students will still require textbooks and exercise books to complete their work in class. This is still an important part of the learning process. However, we expect that over time, there will be less of a reliance on textbooks and exercise books. The use of ebooks and electronic learning materials will ensure a greater dependence on their devices.
Will electronic copies of textbooks be available?
Many textbooks have electronic versions. Refer to each specific textbook for instructions.
How will students back up their data?
Students are required to back up all work on their school provided Google Drive.
Who do we contact if we have further questions or concerns?
In the first instance email byod@sgc.sa.edu.au