Playgroup (0-2Years Old)
All families with children under three years of age are able to attend. Our first session will commence next Friday February 13 2025 at 9.00 am. Our weekly Playgroup sessions are FREE ! (during school term)
Playgroup provides an opportunity for young children to engage in new experiences and develop their social skills. We follow a Montessori approach where “play is the child’s work”.
Parents, grandparents and/or carers stay for all sessions to play with and supervise the children. A child “learns through play” and through consistent role modelling and guidance from parents and other adults in their lives. We’ll work together to teach the children how to become active participants in their learning and what it means to be part of a group.
Many of the children who attend Playgroup continue their learning at the College therefore, Playgroup gives them the opportunity to become familiar with the environment, with the security of their parents/carers close by before they are required to start preschool on their own. This can make the transition a lot less overwhelming for children and set them off to a positive start.
To keep in line with the guidelines and to minimise the risk of spread, we ask that you practice good hygiene, keep a safe distance where possible, cover your coughs and sneezes and stay home if you or your child is unwell.
Please wait outside by the gate near the ELC to be let in for our sessions. If you are running late, please call Junior Campus reception on 08 8159 8117 and we will come to collect you. Our sessions will now wrap up around 10.30 am for you to be off the grounds by 10.45 am. This is to limit the contact with the children in the school yard during recess.
We will no longer be sharing food however, we still encourage you to pack healthy snacks for your child’s morning tea break. We ask that nappies are not left on school premises. Please bag and take used nappies home with you for disposal. We also do not have a change table/mat available and keep in mind that our toilet and wash basin are adult size so your child will need to be supervised in the bathroom.
Playgroup runs most smoothly when everyone lends a hand to do the small jobs each session like packing up toys, wiping of tables, or leading story/song time or an art and craft activity.
We want playgroup to be an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for both you and your child so please let us know of your child’s interests or abilities so that I can set up activities and experiences to match these. Lastly, if you have any ideas or suggestions to contribute with regards to the running of playgroup then please also feel free to let me know.
Kind regards,
Contact for Playgroup
Pauline Rugari
08 8159 8106
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