Message from Old Scholar – Chrisovalandis Angelopoulos

What is your favourite memory of your time at St George College?
My greatest memory is the everlasting friendships and bonds with my fellow students and the teachers. Seeing teachers and friends from school out in the community now as an adult and reflecting back on the good times at school always fills my heart with laughter.
What is your biggest career highlight?
I would have to say the biggest achievement to date would be having the privilege to host the annual Glendi Greek Festival as the Master of Ceremonies in front of 30,000 people. The confidence I built through my time at St George and the language/communication skills I gained but the humour I naturally ooze assisted me to stand up in front of that massive crowd. From there I went on to MC at many other events such as international artists and other festivals and events.
What was the best advice you were ever given?
I received a lot of great advice in my time but it was the time that someone said “Try, fall, try, fall, try… complete! Never give up because the more you give it a go the closer you are to success.”
Who was your favourite teacher and why?
Haha this could cause a stir with the teachers who had the honour of having me in their class but seriously how do we go past Kirie Tombro in primary school who taught us real ‘off the boat’ Greek, or the 2 teachers we nicknamed Double Trouble, Mr Frazis (Jr) and Mr Kanakaris, who instead of Greek and IT taught us the secrets of Footy Tipping.
Name two places that are on your bucket list.
The United States of America, just to go watch live NBA and take my kids Disneyland and also China so I can walk the Great Wall.
What was your favourite food that you grew up with?
Food is my weakness and my mum’s kokkinisto (red meat casserole) takes the crown!
What advice would you give yourself as an 18 year old?
Listen, Learn and SAVE! If I had my 37 year old brain in that 18 year old body, my face would have been on the $50 notes by now!
What Year and Year Level did you commence at St George College?
I started in Reception in 1989
What Year and Year Level did you graduate from St George College?
I graduated year 12 in 2001. I was one of the handful of students that stayed on from primary school and a new year opened as we progressed.
Any other comments or insights you would like to share.
Use your passions to choose what path your life takes. I studied Computing Multimedia but my passion was helping people and music so now I am a social housing worker by day and run an entertainment business on the weekends.
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