Message from Old Scholar – Andrew Kyriacou

  • What Year and Year Level did you commence at St George College?
    I started at SGC in 1989 at reception.
  • What Year and Year Level did you graduate from St George College?
    I graduated in 2001 which was the first graduating Year 12 class at the College (I stayed right through)
  • What is your favourite memory of your time at St George College?
    My greatest memory is the formation of wonderful friendships and bonds with my fellow students that still carry on today. We experienced a lot of first times together.
  • What is your biggest career highlight?
    Opening my own real estate business was without a doubt a major highlight. I was also fortunate enough to share the stage with Eric Thomas and Sir Richard Branson at a marketing conference in Queensland where I spoke about my journey & video marketing and most recently winning the 2021 Agency of the Year award South Australia for the Rate My Agent awards.
  • What was the best advice you were ever given?
    That failing is not a bad thing, in fact it’s very necessary if one wants to move forward. Embrace failure and learn from it.
  • Who was your favourite teacher and why?
    I had many great teachers, one who stands out was Mrs Shaw. I loved how she was relatable and empathetic yet when we crossed the boundary she implemented the disciplinary “reminder system” which kept us in line. I may have received a few “reminders” in my time 😝
  • Name two places that are on your bucket list.
    I have travelled to 21 countries and two others I would love to visit are Finland and Argentina.
  • What was your favourite food that you grew up with?
    I loved my mum’s spaghetti bolognaise and avgolemono.
  • What advice would you give yourself as an 18-year-old?
    It doesn’t matter what your income is, start budgeting right now, put aside for a deposit, play money and investing etc. I would also tell my 18 year old self to do what you enjoy, not what you are told to “enjoy”. It’s important to follow your passion, not the dollar, if you do this you will truly be happy and successful in the future. When you are happy and following your passion, the best version of yourself comes out. You just have to have patience hence it’s critical to play the long game.
  • Any other comments or insights you would like to share.
    I want to add by saying if you feel confused about what you want to be, this is quite normal, I can relate. Just get out there and start with something that you might like, as the more you experience, the more you’ll discover about yourself and that journey will slowly lead you to your true purpose. Just follow your passion.

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